Archive for April, 2007

Squam Lake – April 29th, 2007

April 29, 2007

The next morning after our trip to Winni Jay and I headed to Squam. We were only going to fish for a little bit in the morning. He did not have much fishing time into this fishing weekend and I wanted to put him on fish so bad. At the same time though Shawn and Lenny were not with us and we needed a place that was not too far out the way from the highway to fish. We chose squam lake for this.

Trolled around some promising areas and saw many other boats out there. Nobody appeared to be doing much though and it was pretty quiet.

We maybe fished for 2 hours before Shawn called and said he was at the ramp waiting for us. Cut it short and headed home.

Maybe some other time I can put Jay on fish.


Winnipesuakee Lake – April 28th, 2007

April 28, 2007

Went to Winni a little later than we wanted. You see we barely went to bed last night and were quite sluggish at getting to the water. When we got there it was nice and calm and begged for our company.

We trolled for a little bit in the Center harbor area and as we got to some deeper spots started to catch them.  Lenny got a 15-16 inch salmon for our 1st fish on a wonderbread top gun. Then on the same lure he got a rainbow about the same size.

Moving long we headed for the inside of Bear Island near Shep browns boat basin. It was there that my brother Shawn slammed into one of the nicest salmon I have ever personally seen. He reeled that bad boy in for a bit and we brought in the other lines. He was clear for landing except I noticed a huge branch also attached to the lure. This is going to be tough I said. Shawn was totally pumped! He had the fishing bug in his system again. I looked at him and thought, man, he deserves this fish. As he got it closer the branch had fallen off and this tired fish was really cooperative to land with my giant rubber net. Put that thing in the boat to see my brother with wobbly legs and a half a cigarette hanging from his lips smiling like he just got milked by the Dallas cheerleaders.

The next fish I think was for me. I decent 21 inch salmon that we dragged for a little bit on the planers. We were brining the lines in and I noticed him on there. Reeled him in and bingo, there really was a fish on there. The only downside to using those tighter planer clips. Sure glad I returned the mediums as the light ones are really light.

After that fish I switched the clips to some that I made from clothes pins. These were really light. I was afraid they would not even hold the line but they did.

We fished down by Governors island for a while with no luck.  Still looked like awesome water though.

I picked up another fish in Merideth bay. we were not far into it and found some nice structure. The bottom contour and the amount of bait in there were amazing. This fish was a solid 22″ this time and really competed with Shawns. OK, maybe it did not but was still nice. Lenny tagged the next fish in this area and it was also a solid fish around 20″.

As the afternoon went on we made our way back up to Center harbor stopping at all of our favorite spots along the way.  We were also trying to out run the pouring rain a couple of times. On our last spot the sun was out and we could see the rain behind us. Not sure if it was going to chase us down again but we chanced it and fished.

Phone rings. It is Jay. He is finally ready to come out and play. We were almost done for the day and would be heading in soon. He was going to bring his boat and meet us. After changing his mind a couple of times we told him just to come on down and fish with us as we had plenty of room. In that hole process of trying to talk him into coming down and still trolling around, Shawn tied into a nice laker at about 4 pounds and 24.5 inches. It was a toad! Then Shawn also had a nice salmon on but lost it and his lure at the boat.

Jay finally met up with us later on at Squam lake. We pretty much fished for about an hour and were only able to show him the setup and how it all works (trolling that is).

We headed back up to Shawns place for eats and SLEEP! We all needed the sleeps pretty bad.


Squam Lake – April 27, 2007

April 27, 2007

Stopped for a quick trip on Squam Lake with my brother Shawn and buddy Lenny on our way up to Shawn’s timeshare in the White Mountains. We just wanted to get out for a quick trip and did just that. Maybe we were there for 1 hour. It was still worth it and we were able to give Lenny a quick run down on how things got setup and run on the boat while trolling.
